
Showing posts from February, 2022

My STEM Path

I have really struggled with this blog post. It has undergone major changes multiple times.  To answer the questions regarding my personal STEM journey, I guess I must start with what I feel my identity is.  The main driving forces in my life are my spiritual beliefs. They govern (by choice) my priorities and the direction my life has taken. Second to that is my family influence, both as a child, and now as an adult. My gender, race, age, etc... have never really been a factor for me. The core of my spiritual belief is that I am here to improve and progress, and that as I do, I become more like God. That is my ultimate goal, to become more like Him. My secondary goal is to attain the education necessary so that I can provide for my family with a job I enjoy. With these two things in mind, I feel that I have a sense of belonging and purpose in any wholesome and worthwhile endeavor that brings me closer to my goals. There isn't a perfect path, and choosing mine has taken a long time.