Going Forward: Healthy Communication and Efficiency

 Two weeks ago I attended a marriage retreat where a lot of emphasis was placed on the healthy communication of emotions. This fit exceptionally well with what we had been learning from Brene Brown about being vulnerable. Being able to connect with people through vulnerability and healthy communication is an essential and fulfilling part of life for everyone. Since the retreat, I have been much more mindful of how I communicate with others, and I have been realizing just how important good communication is, how being an effective and empathetic communicator is a huge a benefit to both oneself and to others. I really feel that my communication skills have improved over the last two weeks, and that they will continue to improve as I make a conscious effort to develop them.

I have also had an epiphany about efficiency vs. proficiency. I like to be proficient. I feel the need to dot the i's and cross the t's. I want to do the absolute best I can at everything I do. I want 100%. 100% competency, understanding, and execution. While this is good and has its place, it is important to also be efficient. There are times when 80% is enough and its more important to keep moving forward with broad strokes so that the maximum improvement can be made with the time available. I struggle with efficiency because I get stuck in the little details, the 0.5% that will take me from a 99.5 to 100. This week I have been practicing leaving the proverbial 99.5 as it is and working other things that need to be done to maximize my time. It is uncomfortable, and I often don't like it, but I have accomplished so much more! It has been exhausting though. I think being efficient must take different mental muscles because I feel drained both mentally and physically.

Going forward, those two areas, healthy communication and practicing efficiency, will be a point of study and experimentation for me. I feel strongly that I can improve in these areas and that they will not only make me a better student, but also a better person.


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