
 At the beginning of this semester, I had no idea what a database was. I knew they existed and stored data, but I didn't know anything else. Over the course of this class I have learned that a database is an organized collection of information that is stored electronically. I have learned that it is more efficient and easier to use than spreadsheets. Its organization avoids some of the problems that occur with spreadsheets such as update and delete anomalies. It is also able to store vast amounts of data and allows for collaboration.

The database that we created for our project contains information about different statistics to do with flights. More specifically, it contains information about different flight statistics for major US airports during different time periods from 2003 to 2015, such as the total number of flights and the number of minutes flights were delayed. We created 3 tables, airports, dates, and statistics. We took the flight data from the CORGIS website and propagated our tables. We then created two queries to sort and filter our data to show specific information in a specific order.

The main thing I learned this semester is that there is a better way to organize digital information. Databases are much more versatile than spreadsheets. They organize information in a way that makes it easier to both store and use. I recognize that this course has only introduced me to the very surface of databases. I am sure there are layers and layers of database design that cater to different informational needs. However, even the very simplest of databases, one with just three tables (our project), made searching for and ordering the flight information easy. 

One of the things that I enjoy in life is organizing things to increase efficiency. This could be boxes of supplies, kitchen utensils, or school notes. It doesn't really matter what it is as long as its used and the organization will increase efficiency. With this personal quirk, I have found the idea and implementation of databases very pleasing. I have already started to create a database for my family history research and am actively considering how I can share this with my extended family. With individual information, family information, place information, occupation information, my research definitely needed an organization method that made for efficient, easy use. I am excited to see my family history more clearly with queries answering questions such as: How many of my ancestors lived in a certain place? What kind of jobs did they have? How would their living conditions have considering the job they had? It's all very exciting.


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